1954 Famous Artists Schools Artist’s Course 4 Book Set

$279.00 $223.20

Set of 4 Famous Artists Course

Each Book is 14×12.

4 Ring binders are each engraved with the name of the student “Joy Gould”

Famous Artists School is an art correspondence course institution, in operation since 1948. The school was founded by members of the New York Society of Illustrators, principally Albert Dorne and Norman Rockwell.

The original course offered in 1948 was Illustration & Design, with Painting and Cartooning added in the 1950s. The Painting and Illustration & Design courses, consisted of 24 lessons, with a new lesson mailed to the student upon completion of the previous lesson. When a student completed and returned the assignment, it was critiqued by a professional artist who sent suggestions to the student.

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